
Tech Thursday: When To Repair Or Replace Your Laptop Or Desktop

June 6, 2024
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We’ve all experienced it: your once fast, reliable computer becomes sluggish, riddled with system errors that disrupt your workday. Often, a restart is a temporary fix for a larger unknown issue. This scenario leaves many wondering whether to repair or replace their laptop or desktop. Understanding when to make this decision involves considering the age of your computer and recognizing that sometimes, keeping an old one can be more costly than purchasing a new one.

Age Of Your Computer

We’ve all experienced it: your once fast, reliable computer becomes sluggish, riddled with system errors that disrupt your workday. Often, a restart is a temporary fix for a larger unknown issue. This scenario leaves many wondering whether to repair or replace their laptop or desktop. Understanding when to make this decision involves considering the age of your computer and recognizing that sometimes, keeping an old one can be more costly than purchasing a new one.

Warranty Considerations

Warranties are beneficial for repairing devices that need fine- tuning to run smoothly. However, warranties rarely outlive the device’s lifespan. If your computer is under the five-year mark and still under warranty, it’s beneficial to have an expert diagnose and fix any issues before the warranty expires.


A fast and affordable way to repair your laptop or desktop is by upgrading its memory or storage. IT experts can conduct system checks and run diagnostic tests to determine it your device can be upgraded and which components should be upgraded to extend its life. Common upgrades include increasing memory (RAM) or switching from a Hard Disk Drive (HDD) to a Solid-State Drive (SSD). Upgrading to faster memory or an SSD can significantly improve your computer’s performance, making it
“like new.”

Sign It’s Time to Replace

if your computer has multiple issues simultaneously, it’s likely time for a replacement. Indicators include unusual or loud noises from the fan or HDD, OS issues, non-functional applications, or incompatibility with peripherals. Constant warnings about viruses despite having protection software installed also signal the need for a new device. If you experience two or more of these issues and your device has outlived its warranty, investing in a new computer may be the best option.

Cost of Replacement Vs. Repair

While buying a new computer can be expensive, repairing can be costly ir terms of time, loss of productivity, and potential security risks. The average cost of a new laptop or computer starts at about $1000, whereas repairs average $500. Consider the investment in new software and the peace of mind that comes with a brand-new device. Despite the lower cost of repairs, an old laptop or desktop isn’t worth the effort if it has multiple issues with repair costs approaching those of a new device. Look for sales during back-to-school season or holidays to save on a new computer.

Personal Preference

Deciding whether to repair or replace your device also depends on your personal preference. Some people prefer to hold on to their devices and upgrade them, while others enjoy the new features and design of a new computer. In the end, it’s your device, and you need to decide based on your
needs and comfort level.

Final Thoughts And Assistance

Deciding whether to repair or replace your laptop or desktop involves evaluating several factors, including the age of your device, its warranty status, potential for upgrades, and the overall cost of repairs versus replacement. Balancing these considerations with your personal preferences will help you make the best decision for maintaining productivity and security. If you’re thinking of upgrading or need help deciding, please reach out to or your client account manager. We’re here to assist you in making the right choice for your tech needs.

Thanks for reading!
-Your ABl Tech Team