
Tech Thursday: Navigating Gmail and Yahoo Bulk Sender Updates

January 25, 2024
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Hey Tech Enthusiasts! Welcome back to Tech Thursday, your weekly source for all things tech-savvy!
But first, let’s kick off the day with a little tech humor:

How many programmers does it take to change a light bulb?

None. That’s a hardware issue!

New Requirements for Gmail and Yahoo Bulk Senders

  • Increased Bounce Rates: Gmail, following in the footsteps of Yahoo and Apple Mail, started deleting inactive accounts from December 1, 2023. This move heightens the risk of lower email deliverability, higher bounce rates, decreased sender reputation, and increased costs for sending to closed or bounced accounts. The article recommends regular database cleaning, emphasizing that 2% of email lists churn monthly.Recommendation: Clean your database regularly, verify emails.
  • New Requirements for Bulk Senders in Google: If you send 5,000 emails or more per day, new requirements are in place. The changes, set to take effect on February 1, 2024, include updates to email sender guidelines. Bulk senders are advised to take immediate action on these changes,
    and email providers are simplifying the process for implementation.Recommendation: Act on these changes promptly and seek assistance if needed.
  • New Email Spam Threshold: The new spam limit is 0.3%, with Google suggesting action be taken once spam rates hit 0.1%. Segmentation of lists to send more relevant emails and conducting
    smaller batch tests are recommended strategies. Recommendation: Segment lists, provide relevant content, and conduct tests to improve.
  • New Email Spam Threshold: The new spam limit is 0.3%, with Google suggesting action be taken once spam rates hit 0.1%. Segmentation of lists to send more relevant emails and conducting
    smaller batch tests are recommended strategies. Recommendation: Segment lists, provide relevant content, and conduct tests to improve.

Navigating the Changes: Email Services vs. Bulk Emailing through Gmail

In light of these updates, consider utilizing email services like Constant Contact or HubSpot. These platforms offer advantages compared to sending bulk emails through Gmail alone. They provide features such as:

  • Enhanced Deliverability: Email services optimize deliverability, helping your emails reach recipients’ inboxes more reliably.
  • Analytics and Tracking: Get insights into email performance with detailed analytics, helping you refine your strategies.
  • Automation: Streamline your email campaigns with automation, saving time and ensuring timely communication.
  • Compliance: Email services often adhere to industry standards and compliance regulations, reducing the risk of your emails being flagged as spam.

Making this shift can elevate your email marketing game and better navigate the evolving landscape of bulk email sending.

Stay tech-savvy, stay secure!

Your ABl Tech Team!